An Update Regarding One2Call Service Pricing, 1st May 2024
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to reach out to your account manager.
This communication aims to provide you with as much notice as possible of supplier-led market price increases.
We have been closely monitoring the sector and our suppliers, who have indicated that due to the adverse inflationary effects on their operating costs and supplier costs, they have announced more price increases to come into effect on 1st May 2024.
These higher costs mean that, unfortunately, we also have no option but to review our current pricing and introduce price increases for a number of One2call products and services onto our customers.
We have worked closely with our suppliers to get confirmation on which products and services will be affected and the scale of those increases.
Please see the following breakdown of price increases across One2Call Services, note that all of these increases are monthly/pcm;
WLR Services: (PSTN & ISDN line rentals)
Increase of £1.00
*We advise all customers with either of these services to contact us to discuss the options available to upgrade. Please note Openreach will be switching off the analogue and digital networks in 2025.
Legacy ADSL & FTTC Broadband Connections:
ADSL – Increase of £3.00
FTTC – Increase of £1.00
*We advise all customers with either of these connections to contact us to discuss the options available to upgrade. Please note Openreach will be switching the analogue network off in 2025.
SoGEA & FTTP Broadband Connections:
Increase of £1.00
Ethernet Leased Line: (only affecting SKY)
Increase of 4%
Mobile Monthly Charges inc Tafiff and Bolt-ons: (Vodafone, O2, EE and Three)
Increase of 7.9%
3CX New and Renewal Licencing:
Increase of 10-20% depending on licence type. Updated pricing will be available at 3CX Pricelist for PRO and Enterprise Editions
If you have any queries about these price increases, please do not hesitate to get in contact with your line manager and we can work with you to better understand these increases or any alternative solutions that may be available to you.
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Our Customers
Sarah, CPP
Excellent service thank you for doing this out of hours!
Craig Bowden, Mortgage Advice Hub
Very prompt and excellent service from the whole team!
Yolande Quickfall, Saxton Mee
One2Call are certainly liked by us as they are always keen to help and resolve any problems that we may have and with a quick response.