Leased Line
Full-Fibre connection for the ultimate business connectivity.
Optimise of the best Bespoke Leased Lines for your company.
Bespoke Leased Lines
A Leased Line is a full-fibre connection where the bandwidth is 100% yours, all the time. No sharing, no throttling and much greater reliability. But a One2Call Leased Line is so much more.
Our independence means we can shop around on your behalf for the best deal. Then we use our in-house expertise and close provider relationships to add value other providers can’t match. Our long list of bolt-on features means we can build a connectivity package bespoke to your business.
Advanced Leased Line features include:
- DDoS Prevention
- Carrier-diverse resilience
- Hosted Firewall
- Quality of Service (QoS)
- Multisite Optimisation (SD-WAN, MPLS)
We can apply any of these features to our excellent core connections which offer 5 9s reliability (99.999% uptime) and speeds of up to 10Gbps.
All our Leased Lines also come free with Blacklist Monitoring. You will be notified if any of your domain names or IP addresses get blacklisted. This can act as an early warning of spam or malware, enabling you locate the source and save your reputation.
DDoS Prevention
In a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack your network is flooded with connection requests so genuine requests can’t get through. You can lose your website, internet connectivity and VOIP services in one fell swoop. A sustained DDoS attack can paralyse your business.
Our DDoS prevention service helps you mitigate the effectiveness of such an attack. It monitors your inbound connection, detects sudden spikes in requests, alerts you as soon as spikes happen & can take automatic action or allow you manual control via a portal.
Attack mitigation actions include redirecting false requests to nowhere to prevent your servers being overwhelmed, allowing only whitelisted IP addresses (such as your own IP address or those of your cloud service providers) and applying more severe protocols outside work hours (when genuine network traffic will be lower).
And because our DDoS prevention features are built into the network core, they can act before traffic reaches your business.
Carrier-Diverse Resilience
The simplest form of connectivity resilience is a secondary connection. But if both connections route via the same carrier, the same problem can affect both at the same time. Even if you’re using different suppliers (ISPs such as BT, Virgin etc…) they still often route via the same carriers.
For true resilience your second (or third) connection should use a different carrier from the first. The difficulty in this is that it is not standard practice for most ISPs to reveal what carriers they use. Thankfully, we’re not most ISPs.
Being independent means there’s no advantage to us in using one carrier over another. That’s why you can trust us to build carrier resilience into your network.
Speak to our consultants about carrier diverse resilience.
Carrier-Diverse Resilience
The simplest form of connectivity resilience is a secondary connection. But if both connections route via the same carrier, the same problem can affect both at the same time. Even if you’re using different suppliers (ISPs such as BT, Virgin etc…) they still often route via the same carriers.
For true resilience your second (or third) connection should use a different carrier from the first. The difficulty in this is that it is not standard practice for most ISPs to reveal what carriers they use. Thankfully, we’re not most ISPs.
Being independent means there’s no advantage to us in using one carrier over another. That’s why you can trust us to build carrier resilience into your network.
Speak to our consultants about carrier diverse resilience.
Hosted Firewall
An effective firewall is essential to protecting your business from cyber attack. Usually, this is the responsibility of the business to buy, set up and maintain. It’s a burden most business could do without.
Good firewalls are costly to install and manage. Up-front costs are high, as are ongoing fees for security upgrades and firmware patches. Programming is complex and requires specialist knowledge. Depending on your network design, each site may need its own firewall. And that’s another piece of on-site hardware vulnerable to power outages or obsolescence
That’s where our Hosted Firewall helps.
Hosted Firewall key features
Our hosted firewalls sit off-site at the core network level, which means:
- Inbound traffic is monitored before it reaches your network.
- It isn’t affected by your on-site conditions.
- Can act as a central firewall across all sites reducing duplication of effort and cost.
- Can be a sole or additional firewall, allowing central and local configuration.
- Can be fully-managed, meaning you can concentrate on other things.
- Can be partially-managed, meaning your IT team can still have full control, but with backup from us.
- Data centre levels of power and connectivity resilience
Quality of Service (QoS)
Quality of Service (also known as Class of Service or WAN optimisation) allows you to manipulate your network traffic. We can apply this at a core network level.
It allows us to reserve bandwidth for your critical services, such as cloud services or VOIP calls. By doing so it ensures performance isn’t affected by surges in demand elsewhere.
Network-level Quality of Service has advantages over locally-applied QoS. Rules entered once can apply across the whole network, it is independent of on-site hardware which can fail or lose power and we can manage your QoS to free up IT resources.
Quality of Service (QoS)
Quality of Service (also known as Class of Service or WAN optimisation) allows you to manipulate your network traffic. We can apply this at a core network level.
It allows us to reserve bandwidth for your critical services, such as cloud services or VOIP calls. By doing so it ensures performance isn’t affected by surges in demand elsewhere.
Network-level Quality of Service has advantages over locally-applied QoS. Rules entered once can apply across the whole network, it is independent of on-site hardware which can fail or lose power and we can manage your QoS to free up IT resources.
Multisite Optimisation (SD-WAN, MPLS)
If your business operates across more than one site your connections can be optimised to work together.
The benefits of multisite optimisation include:
- Reduction in connectivity costs.
- Faster speeds between sites
- Lower latency between sites.
- A more resilient network with more backup and failover options.
- Centralised QoS and network segmentation.
The two main ways of optimising multisite connectivity is via SD-WAN and MPLS.
What is SD-WAN?
SD-WAN (Software-Defined Wide Area Network) uses software to define what traffic goes where. It’s a multisite approach built with the cloud in mind.
The advantages of SD-WAN include:
- Centrally-managed, making it simpler and less costly to manage.
- Cloud services are more easily integrated.
- Use any connection type, from Leased Line to 5G.
- Improved security through centralised policy management, threat detection and encryption.
- New sites can be set up in minutes.
What is MPLS?
MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) also enables the central management of business traffic. The service provider applies it using on-site hardware.
The advantages of MPLS include:
- Performance guarantees (such as speed) applied by the network.
- Improved VOIP or video due to better real-time performance.
- More resilient to DDoS attacks as less IP-dependent.
Our Customers
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Christina, Wildes Education
Adam was really polite and respectful of the fact that I don’t know a lot about computers and software.
John Griffiths, Acclaimed Family Law
Personal touch ,easy to deal with ,thank you.
Peter, Peak Sensors
Very competent people completing tasks accurately and quickly.