What is “Cyber Secure By Design”?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Large Language Models (LLM’s) have seen a huge leap in both technology and use over the past 12 months, and as such we’re also seeing drastic a rise in complex cyber attacks. Recent events, like the leak of LLM software, a data breach at Activision Blizzard, masses of Cyber Attacks in Australia, a breach which caused a US Casino to close and much more, show us that a strong cyber security solution is more crucial than ever. Simply put, when we’re building new technologies or apps, businesses need to think about a strong cyber security policy right from the beginning.
Unfortunately, many businesses aren’t doing this. Instead, they’re focusing on getting their products or services out the door as quickly as possible, adding security measures along the way when they encounter problems, or often when it is already too late. This approach has led to major problems across multiple industries, as numerous cyber attacks have taken advantage of these weak security measures. Unfortunately, incidents such as these serve as a reminder businesses need to prioritise cyber security from the start.
We are working with businesses across the region to deploy a strategy called “Cyber Secure by Design”. The idea is to focus on each section of their business, what each employee and department does and understand where there could be potential security vulnerabilities and build custom solutions to suit the individual needs of the business. For all businesses, this will include a strong baseline through Endpoint Detection and Response, however this could be paired with our SOC (Security Operations Centre) and other services such as SASE (Secure Access Service Edge), Active Email Threat Protection, Cloud to Cloud Backup, Immutable Backups and much more.
Good security involves several layers, including physical security, network security, cloud security, security training, data security and more. This approach includes things like detecting unusual activity, sending alerts, and analysing data across various points in your systems. All of this helps to mitigate the risk of cyber attacks, protect against data theft, and show customers that you’re serious about protecting their information. It also helps you be aware of any suspicious activities that could be part of a cyber attack.
Planning for security from the ground up can help prevent cyber attacks whilst also helping to build trust with your customers. Businesses who also certify themselves with Cyber Essentials, or Cyber Essentials Plus, show they’re serious about security from the start, it’s clear they’re committed to their business Cyber Security and protecting customer/client data. These same strategies can also help businesses meet legal requirements, like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which requires companies to ensure their products and services are secure and customer data is protected, however it can also be implemented as part of a larger cyber insurance policy.
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Our Customers
Kevin, All Seasons Interiors
Pawel is always a great help and nothings too much trouble.
Alan Wooler, ProAct
Stuart who attended is a spot on guy who knows his stuff and is very polite.
Janine Clerehugh-Owen, Matrix Business Park
Excellent service, immediate call out the following day after reporting issue.